The First Philippine Graphic Design Awards

Posted: Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Philippine Graphic Design Awards (PGDA) is extending their Call of Entries until September 15, 2010. Students and Professionals are invited to submit their graphic design artworks provided that it was produced from August 1, 2009 to July 31, 2010. Information on categories, eligibility and entry fees after the jump.

What are the PGDA categories?

There are a total of 18 categories for the 2010 Philippine Graphic Design Awards, grouped under 3 divisions: Professional, Student, and Open.

Professional entries must have been rendered as paying contracts. Therefore, a formal client-designer agreement and a form of remuneration must have taken place to make the entry eligible. Note that there are 11 categories in the Professional division:

    1. Direct Communications (Single-Piece Entry)
    2. Poster (Single-Piece Entry)
    3. Packaging (Single-Piece Entry)
    4. Outdoor Graphics (Single-Piece Entry)
    5. Website (Single-Piece Entry)
    6. Motion Graphics (Single-Piece Entry)
    7. Self-Promotion (Single-Piece Entry)
    8. Applied Graphics (Single Entry)
    9. Identity (Multiple-Piece Entry)
    10. Bound Pieces (Multiple-Piece Entry)
    11. Integrated Graphics (Multiple-Piece Entry)

    Student entries must have been rendered as artwork to fulfill school or course requirements, or rendered as artwork for activities of any school-, college- or university-based student organization. There are 5 categories in the Student division:

      1. Poster (Single-Piece Entry)
      2. Packaging (Single-Piece Entry)
      3. Website (Single-Piece Entry)
      4. Applied Graphics (Single-Piece Entry)
      5. Identity (Multiple-Piece Entry)

      The organizers reserve the right to require from the Professional and Student entrants proof or documentation of the contract, course requirement, or school activity, and failure to present may be considered grounds for disqualification.

      Open entries are any graphic design pieces created by the designer as a form of self expression. Entries for this category do not require proof or documentation of contract, course requirement or school activity and anyone, professionals and students alike, may submit entries. There are 2 categories that fall under the Open division:

        1. Online (Single-Piece Entry)
        2. Offline (Single-Piece Entry)

        How do I know if my artwork is eligible?

          1. You are a Filipino citizen. It doesn't matter if you currently live in the Philippines or not for as long as you can present proof of your citizenship when requested by the organizers. Failure to present this is grounds for disqualification.

          2. Your artwork was produced from August 1, 2009 to July 31, 2010.

          3. Your artwork is original. Localization, re-work, or adaptations of any international campaign or design thematic are ineligible.

          4. Your artwork abides by PGDA's Definition of Graphic Design: The art and discipline of combining symbols, design and words to represent and communicate ideas or messages. All these elements must be represented in your artwork for it to be eligible.

          How do I join?

          You must download and complete the Entry Form and Submission Template specific to your category of choice. An entry (including Entry Form, Submission Template, and required documents) must not exceed 10 MB. It must be submitted via email to in Adobe PDF formats using a CMYK color profile.

          Entrants must ensure that all digital files are in order prior to submission. The Organizers assume that all information provided in the Entry Form and the Submission Template has been verified prior to submission. The organizers are not responsible for insufficient or inaccurate data or for damaged, corrupted or incorrectly prepared files. Forms and templates provided by the Organizers are not to be altered, re-sized or used in any manner other than for the purpose of submitting an entry for the 2010 Philippine Graphic Design Awards. Any entries that do not conform to the above specifications shall be disqualified and will not be eligible for any category.

          How much do I have to pay to enter and how do you receive payments?

          Professional Division: Php 1,000.00
          Student Division: Php 500.00
          Open Division: Php 1,000.00

          Entry fees for the 2010 PGDA are non-refundable and should be paid prior to the submission of an entry. Organizers shall accept payments via cash bank deposits only thru Philippine Graphic Design Awards Inc., BDO SM Southmall II Savings Account No. 112-035-2760. As proof of payment, the Organizers require a scanned copy of the deposit slip together with the Entry Form and the Submission Template.

          Can I submit more than one artwork?

          Yes, you certainly can! Note that for each entry, you will be charged a fee corresponding to its respective division.

