More Fun in the Philippines!

Posted: Friday, January 6, 2012

What can you say about the new Philippine tourism slogan “It’s more fun in the Philippines”? The Twitterverse (or Facebook-ers) certainly seems to support it when the hash tag #ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines became the top trending topic in twitter worldwide.

Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez said the campaign is simple and truthful and answers the simple question, “Why should I go to the Philippines?”

#1 for fun Philippines" is the slogan geared for local audiences, while the “It’s more fun in the Philippines" tag is for the international branding.

Personally, I think this is a smart move by the Department of Tourism and BBDO Guerrero / Proximity Philippines in going to social networking channels to promote the new brand since Filipinos essentially live and breath social media.

I also feel that the new slogan reflects our country as it is. It showcases everything is and should be fun in the Philippines. Just like the easily adaptable slogan, Filipinos are known to be resilient, tough and happy most of the time. So let’s hope for the best that this catches on!

Design. It’s more fun in the Philippines!

How about you? share your thoughts in the comments below.


To those saying that this was ripped off from a Switzerland ad, Can we just stop with the nitpicking and whining of it allegedly copying, stealing, plagiarizing a 60-year old magazine ad?.

Whining. Is it more fun in the Philippines?

Everything is not original people. Somehow, somewhere, everything came from some other existing form, product and idea. What matters is how we execute and make it our own as a country. Besides, the words involved are common everyday English terms themselves. It’s like saying you can’t build another touchscreen phone just because Apple patented it.

“The Secret To Creativity Is Knowing How To Hide Your Sources.” – Albert Einstein

Same goes with design.