I just saw this video on the new DLSU Centennial Hall. The new building slated for a June 2012 launch is named after the retail magnate Henry Sy Sr. SM Investments Corporation donated 300 million pesos to fund this eco-friendly and aptly themed “green” building just in time for DLSU’s 100th founding anniversary.
The hall will become a hub for regional research, a venue for the university’s various activities and gatherings, and a major crossroad for learning. One of the main features of the hall will be the Learning Commons, which will house one million books, making it the Philippines’ largest collection of educational materials in an academic setting. - SM Company Press Releases
I wish I could go back there again some time soon and take a stroll on this new building which took the place of the old football field (We did our Naval ROTC here back then, during Saturdays)