Selecta’s Heartbrand logo

Posted: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 View Comments

I once saw a rant post on how Selecta ripped of Good Humor’s swirly heart logo and remembered that I, back then, thought about the very same thing. I was wondering why I was seeing Selecta logos on foreign TV and movies. Is Selecta a global brand now? but why is the name different? is it another case of logo copying? Good thing there’s a simple and logical answer to all of that.

Good Humor is an all American ice cream brand that started in the 1920’s but was sold to Thomas J. Lipton (yes the tea), which coincidentally was in charge of the US arm of Unilever in 1961. The brand was revived again by Unilever, the world’s biggest ice cream manufacturer, under a single Heartbrand logo but retaining the unique local brand names.

Selecta was a partnership between RFM Corporation and Unilever hence they were also included with the brand takeover under Wall’s (also owned by Unilever). Besides the Philippines, Tanzania also carries Selecta brand.