Our designer friends from DUAAD (Davao United Association of Animators and Designers) recently held their Graphicon 2012 last December 1, 2012 at the CAP Grand Auditorium Davao City. Speakers present were Isabel Gatuslao (Branding), Chad Manzo (Illustration), Nico Puertollano (Motion Graphics), Vincent Rhafael Aseo (Illustration), Val Nizam Villar (Web Technology) and Ritchie Baquirin (Windows 8 UI Design App)
The DUAAD is composed of Davao-based, Davao-trained and Davao-bred visual artists in all sorts - graphics and web designers, creative media practitioners and enthusiasts, animators for both web and TV, all amateurs to veterans, from freelancers to corporate magnates and private institutions. Its members desire to lead all Davao-based and visual arts events, advocacies and projects, as well as initiate other off-area endeavors to showcase the Davao talent to the rest of the visual arts community. - duaad.org
graphicondavao.com // facebook.com/GraphiConDavao
- Thanks Marx Consuegra