Tuesday, August 27, 2013

New JobsDB.com Logo: Artworks make it better

Remember the time when people had to scour newspaper classifieds for job openings, print a couple of resumes (don’t forget extra 2x2 pictures) and drop them personally at the company’s HR department? That was pre-internet job-hunting 101 for most of us.

Thankfully, the Internet made connecting people possible, cheaper and faster which in effect helped job-seekers find the right employers and vice-versa - with just a browser. No more xerox’d bio datas, long-distance personal applications and expensive and hassle commuting.

JobsDB.com, one of the county’s top online job hunting website with operations in 7 countries had TBWA Singapore handle the rebrand which was launched last March 2013. The new logo had a smaller “jobs” and larger “DB” containing colorful, creative imageries.

The main logo is in a typical blue-ish tint probably because blue is closest to being corporate. Various industry-related icons adorn the letters DB and the Let’s explore tagline sits on top it.

Seeing the two-tone version of the new logo however looks unfinished. The large, plumpy DB is quite distracting and dwarfs “jobs” which is what they’re providing in the first place. It doesn’t look as engaging as the full-colored version.

The different DB artworks really bring life and attitude the whole logo. The DB clipping effect is a nice touch to customize the type mark on each intended use like category, theme or country. I also like that flat illustrations were used rather than photographs because the colors just pop up more on solid tones.

The vertical “jobs” on the variations also looked nicer than the standard logo. Maybe making it a little bigger will make everything balance out along with the tagline – which in its current form looks unbalanced.

The local website still leaves much to be desired though.

What do you think about the new JobsDB.com logo? Sound off at the comments.


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